Staying true to oneself

Adapting and paying attention to the wishes of the counterpart is indeed appropriate. But please in a healthy way and not to the point of self-abandonment. Especially in long-term relationships such habits unconsciously may creep in. They can even destroy the bond when not recognized at the early stage. Stay always true to yourself! Not least, because your companion got to know you as an individual personality and fell in love with you for that reason. If you give up these qualities you are maybe not interesting for your partner anymore.


ViktorBelii 05.02.2019 05:36
I believe in my self

alavez911 05.08.2018 10:06
I do believe in me

Expansionist 15.01.2018 16:05

Emadmo 08.11.2017 16:18
I believe in my self