Remaining independent

It is understandable, that you would preferably spend every free minute with your new partner. When the butterflies in the stomach begin dancing, one looses often control of the own actions. Yes, we probably unwillingly tend to neglect friends and hobbies. Even if it is hard: Remain independent and avoid being always available for your partner. It is crucial that you can also enjoy life to the full without your companion!


Mega_King 22.02.2024 11:41
Maintaining independence in a relationship is so important! While it's natural to want to spend every moment with your partner, it's essential to nurture your own friendships, interests, and passions. Remember, a healthy relationship thrives when both individuals have space to grow and pursue their own happiness. So, don't forget to prioritize self-care and continue investing in your personal fulfillment. Balance is key!

david1105 01.11.2023 06:06
Needed to hear this today ,very good

ikevin54 09.12.2022 21:50
very educative indeed

Rosella16 05.10.2022 23:47
We call it love in deep blue sea heheh

Moseh026 14.05.2021 07:29
Very aggressive

kadi41 05.04.2021 19:33
Thats its... PERFECT!

pnuemanasser 08.01.2021 17:03
well written really amazing

BabakF14 06.01.2021 10:20
is beautiful dreamy!!!!!!!!!!!!

jancee0114 21.12.2020 14:08
Independent. Woah awesome

babycal3b 28.10.2020 06:33
Remaining independent