Online Dating

Family & Relationships

The romantics among us will be disappointed: according to a study by the University of Oxford, one-third of all couples that got together in 2011, have met each other on the internet. Further studies even indicate, that these relationships often last longer. If we believe those studies, it would mean that the internet has a positive impact on human coexistence.


vanessacurapado 28.04.2021 18:00
importante è ser feliz

tiago2020 26.04.2021 20:41
muito bom namora assim!

Polash50 03.04.2021 19:21
I'm also an article and blog writer. here a nice place for a practice blog about Love. This p[picture too much nice for me. Really, it's real love, I have no love like this.

Georgeey 25.02.2021 06:35
The internet helps

Cadamdan 26.01.2021 16:57
If this acquaintance is based on cooperation in all areas of life, then this is unacceptable. But if behind this acquaintance there is e😜loitation and deviation, then this is unacceptable.

Mapambiri 25.01.2021 10:08
We found love in different places

Singhvinay 23.01.2021 09:05
Online dating is good for fun.

elasar68 19.01.2021 09:48
online Dating is not good

akambagro 18.11.2020 02:23
good very good

dudleyergina 22.10.2020 05:00
Do not Trust online Dating.