Divorce Rate

Family & Relationships

In 2014, more than 166,000 couples got divorced in Germany. On average, one of these marriages lasted around 14 years and 8 months. Only 40% of men have decided against a continuation of the so-called eternal bond. In most cases (52%), the woman filed for divorce. Worth noting: 386,000 couples have married in 2014.


juan_rodriguez13 30.03.2021 04:36
divorcio e muito triste

johannajandusay 29.03.2021 16:41
just stay happy

Georgeey 25.02.2021 06:34
Betrothal is essential to make sure you marry your perfect match

Cadamdan 07.02.2021 04:42
They stripped the man of responsibility and gave the woman the responsibility of the man, and this was one of the causes of these problems

Mapambiri 11.01.2021 08:07
I wont marry while young

essie_lucy 08.01.2021 20:24
Better divorce than stay unhappy in marriage

virende25988559 03.01.2021 07:50
understand is better than divorece

palestrino_cirillo 10.11.2020 06:39
legal legal legal

elity_neves 03.11.2020 19:30
sim e nercessario

ntnssk 20.10.2020 09:11
oh ! its not so good