Gross domestic product


Image Source: Sbw01f / wikipedia unter CC BY-SA 3.0

The Gross domestic product (GDP) reflects the total value of all goods produced within a calendar year, by a single economy and after the deduction of its intermediate consumption. When speaking of GDP per capita, this value is divided by the number of inhabitants of a country and thus serves as a primary indicator of prosperity. The world GDP per capita statistics of 2014 indicate that the USA hold the 10th rank and are thus one of the wealthiest nations in the world.


Farzadtaheriiiiiii 01.11.2021 13:34
It's good to know & discover

wendbass 06.10.2021 03:57
Conhecimento nuca é demais....

Yanovska 09.09.2021 18:29
Legal saber isso

kwee8 26.08.2021 22:50
thanks for sharing

Chittudi 18.07.2021 11:53
Very interesting message I have ever seen

Vybze 03.07.2021 02:43
Wonder's shall never end

Flaviana22 02.06.2021 04:19
E bom saber e tira dúvidas bem legal

Ahmedtawfik 01.06.2021 07:50
my worled is biote

ssnhlabathi 31.05.2021 11:32
very important to know

Ezzat 16.05.2021 22:59
Gross domestic product has very detailed information